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(n) advertise (v) advertisement (n) advertising (n) advice (n) advise (v) adviser (n) affair (n) affect (v) afford (v) afraid (adj) after (prep, conj, adv) afternoon (n) afterwards (adv) again (adv) against (prep) age (n) aged (adj) agency (n) agent (n) aggressive (adj) ago (adv) agree (v) agreement (n) agriculture (n) ahead (adv) aid (n) aim (n) aim (v) air (n) aircraft (n) airline (n) airport (n) alarm (n) album (n) alcohol (n) alive (adj) all (determiner, predeterminer, pron) all (adv) all (preposition) allow (v) allowance (n) all right (adj, adv) almost (adv) alone (adj, adv) along (adv) along (prep) alongside (adv, prep) already (adv) also (adv) alter (v) alternative (adj) alternative (n) although (conj) altogether (adv) always (adv) amazing (adj) ambition (n) ambulance (n) among (prep) amount (n) an (indefinite article, determiner ) analyse (v) analysis (n) analyst (n) ancient (adj) and (conj) anger (n) angle (n) angry (adj) animal (n) announce (v) announcement (n) annoy (v) annual (adj) another (determiner, pron) answer (n) answer (v) anticipate (v) anxiety (n) anxious (adj) any (determiner, pron) any (adv) anybody (pron) anyhow (adv) anyone (pron) anything (pron) anyway (adv) anywhere (adv) apart (adv, adj) apartment (n) apologize (v) apology (n) apparent (adj) apparently (adv) appeal (n) appeal (v) appear (v ) appearance (n) apple (n) application (n) apply (v) appoint (v) appointment (n) appreciate (v) approach (n) approach (v) appropriate (adj) approval (n) approve (v) approximate (adj) architect (n) architecture (n) area (n) argue (v) argument (n) arise (v) arm (n) armed (adj) army (n) around (adv, prep) arrange (v) arrangement (n) arrest (v) arrival (n) arrive (v) art (n) artificial (adj) artist (n) as (conj) as (prep, adv) ashamed (adj) aside (adv) ask (v) asleep (adj) aspect (n) assess (v) assessment (n) assignment (n) assist (v) assistance (n) assistant (n) associate (v) association (n) assume (v) assumption (n) assure (v) at (prep) atmosphere (n) attach (v) attack (n) attack (v) attempt (n) attempt (v) attend (v) attention (n) attitude (n) attorney (n) attract (v) attraction (n) attractive (adj) audience (n) aunt (n) author (n) authority (n) automatic (adj) automatically (adv) autumn (n) available (adj) average (adj) average (n) avoid (v) awake (adj) award (n) award (v) aware (adj) awareness (n) away (adv) awful (adj) awkward (adj) Baby (n) Back (adv) Back (n) Back (v) Back (adj) Background (n) Backwards (adv) Bacon (n) Bad (adj) Badly (adv) Bag (n) Bake (v) Balance (n) Balance (v) Ball (n) Ban (n) Band (n) Bang (v) Bang (n) Bank (n) Bar (n) Barrier (n) Base (v) Base (n) Baseball (n) Basic (adj) Basically (adv) Basis (n) Basket (n) Bat (n) Bath (n) Bathroom (n) Battery (n) Battle (n) Beach (n) Bean (n) Bear (v) Beard (n) Beat (v) Beat (n) Beautiful (adj) Beauty (n) Because (conj) Because (prep) Become (v) Bed (n) Bedroom (n) Beer (n) Before (adv) Before (conj) Before (prep) Beforehand (adv) Begin (v) Beginning (n) Behalf (n) Behave (v) Behaviour (n) Behind (prep, adv) Being (n) Belief (n) Believe (v) Bell (n) Belong (v) Below (adv, prep) Belt (n) Bench (n) Bend (v) Beneath (adv, prep) Benefit (n) Benefit (v) Beside (prep) Best (adj) Best (adv) Bet (v) Bet (n) Better (adj) Better (adv) Between (adv, prep) Bicycle (n) Bid (n) Big (adj) Bike (n) Bill (n) Bin (n) Bird (n) Birth (n) Birthday (n) Biscuit (n) Bit (adv, pron) Bit (n) Bite (v) Bite (n) Bitter (adj) Black (adj) Blade (n) Blame (v) Blank (adj) Bless (v) Blind (adj) Block (n) Block (v) Bloke (n) Blonde (adj) Blood (n) Blow (v) Blow (n) Blue (adj) Board (n) Boat (n) Body (n) Boil (v) Boiler (n) Boiling (adj) Bomb (n) Bone (n) Bonus (n) Book (n) Book (v) Boom (n) Boot (n) Border (n) Bored (adj) Boring (adj) Born (v) Borrow (v) Boss (n) Both (determiner, predeterminer, pron) Bother (v) Bottle (n) Bottom (adj) Bottom (n) Bounce (v) Bound (adj) Bowl (n) Box (n) Boy (n) Boyfriend (n) Brain (n) Branch (n) Brave (adj) Bread (n) Break (n) Break (v) Breakfast (n) Breast (n) Breath (n) Breathe (v) Brick (n) Bridge (n) Brief (adj) Briefly (adv) Bright (adj) Brilliant (adj) Bring (v) Broad (adj) Brother (n) Brown (adj) Brush (n) Brush (v) Buck (n) Bucket (n) Buddy (n) Budget (n) Bug (n) Build (v) Builder (n) Building (n) Bump (v) Bunch (n) Burn (v) Burn (n) Burst (v) Bury (v) Bus (n) Business (n) Busy (adj) But (conj) But (prep) But (adv) Butcher (n) Butter (n) Button (n) Buy (v) Buyer (n) By (adv) By (prep) Bye (interjection) Bye (n) Cabinet (n) Cable (n) Cake (n) Calculate (v) Calculation (n) Calculator (n) Calendar (n) Call (n) Call (v) Calm (adj) Camera (n) Camp (n) Campaign (n) Can (modal) Can (n) Cancel (v) Candidate (n) Candle (n) Candy (n) Cap (n) Capable (adj) Capacity (n) Capital (n) Capital (adj) Captain (n) Capture (v) Car (n) Card (n) Care (n) Care (v) Career (n) Careful (adj) Carefully (adv) Carpet (n) Carrot (n) Carry (v) Cartoon (n) Cast (n) Case (n) Cash (n) Cash (v) Cast (v) Castle (n) Cat (n) Catalogue (n) Catch (v) Category (n) Cause (v) Cause (n) CD (n) Cease (v) Ceiling (n) Celebrate (v) Celebration (n) Cell (n) Cellphone (n) Cent (n) Centimetre (n) Central (adj) Centre (n) Century (n) Cereal (n) Certain (adj) Certainly (adv) Certificate (n) Chain (n) Chair (n) Chairman (n) Challenge (n) Challenge (v) Champion (n) Championship (n) Chance (n) Change (n) Change (v) Channel (n) Chap (n) Chapter (n) Character (n) Characteristic (n) Charge (n) Charge (v) Charity (n) Chart (n) Chase (v) Chat (n) Cheap (adj) Cheat (v) Check (v) Check (n) Cheek (n) Cheese (n) Chemical (adj) Chemical (n) Chemist (n) Chemistry (n) Cheque (n) Cherry (n) Chest (n) Chicken (n) Chief (adj) Chief (n) Child (n) Childhood (n) Chip (n) Chocolate (n) Choice (n) Choose (v) Chop (v) Chuck (v) Church (n) Cigarette (n) Cinema (n) Circle (n) Circuit (n) Circumstance (n) Citizen (n) City (n) Civil (adj) Claim (n) Claim (v) Class (n) Classic (adj) Classical (adj) Classroom (n) Clean (adj) Clean (v) Cleaner (n) Clear (adj) Clear (v) Clearly (adv) Clerk (n) Clever (adj) Click (v) Client (n) Climate (n) Climb (v) Clock (n) Close (adj) Close (adv) Close (v) Closed (adj) Closely (adv) Closet (n) Cloth (n) Clothes (n) Cloud (n) Club (n) Clue (n) Coach (n) Coal (n) Coast (n) Coat (n) Code (n) Coffee (n) Coin (n) Cold (adj) Collapse (v) Collar (n) Colleague (n) Collect (v) Collection (n) College (n) Colour (n) Column (n) Combination (n) Combine (v) Come (v) Comfort (n) Comfortable (adj) Command (n) Comment (n) Comment (v) Commercial (adj) Commission (n) Commit (v) Commitment (n) Committee (n) Common (adj) Communicate (v) Communication (n) Community (n) Company (n) Compare (v) Comparison (n) Compete (v) Competition (n) Competitive (adj) Complain (v) Complaint (n) Complete (adj) Complete (v) Completely (adv) Complex (adj) Complicated (adj) Component (n) Comprehensive (adj) Comprise (v) Computer (n) Concentrate (v) Concentration (n) Concept (n) Concern (n) Concern (v) Concerned (adj) Concerning (prep) Concert (n) Conclude (v) Conclusion (n) Condition (n) Conduct (n) Conduct (v) Conference (n) Confidence (n) Confident (adj) Confine (v) Confirm (v) Conflict (n) Confused (adj) Confusing (adj) Confusion (n) Congratulation (n) Connect (v) Connection (n) Conscious (adj) Consciousness (n) Consent (n) Consequence (n) Consider (v) Considerable (adj) Considerably (adv) Consideration (n) Consist (v) Consistent (adj) Constant (adj) Constantly (adv) Constitute (v) Construct (v) Construction (n) Consult (v) Consumer (n) Consumption (n) Contact (n) Contact (v) Contain (v) Contemporary (adj) Content (n) Contest (n) Continue (v) Continuous (adj) Contract (n) Contrast (n) Contribute (v) Contribution (n) Control (n) Control (v) Convenient (adj) Convention (n) Conventional (adj) Conversation (n) Convert (v) Conviction (n) Convince (v) Cook (v) Cooker (n) Cookie (n) Cool (adj) Cool (v) Cooperation (n) Copy (v) Copy (n) Core (n) Corn (n) Corner (n) Correct (adj) Correct (v) Corridor (n) Cost (n) Cost (v) Cottage (n) Cotton (n) Could (modal) Council (n) Count (v) Counter (n) Country (n) Countryside (n) County (n) Couple (n) Courage (n) Course (n) Court (n) Cousin (n) Cover (n) Cover (v) Cow (n) Crack (v) Craft (n) Crash (n) Crazy (adj) Create (v) Creation (n) Creative (adj) Creature (n) Credit (n) Credit card (n) Crew (n) Crime (n) Criminal (adj) Crisis (n) Criterion (n) Critic (n) Critical (adj) Criticism (n) Criticize (v) Crop (n) Cross (adj) Cross (n) Cross (v) Crowd (n) Crown (n) Crucial (adj) Cruel (adj) Cry (n) Cry (v) Cultural (adj) Culture (n) Cup (n) Cupboard (n) Curious (adj) Currency (n) Current (adj) Current (n) Currently (adv) Curtain (n) Curve (n) Cushion (n) Custom (n) Customer (n) Cut (n) Cut (v) Cute (adj) Cycle (n) Daddy (n) Daft (adj) Daily (adj) Damage (n) Damage (v) Dance (n) Dance (v) Danger (n) Dangerous (adj) Dare (v) Dark (adj) Darkness (n) Darling (n) Data (n) Database (n) Date (n) Date (v) Daughter (n) Day (n) Dead (adj) Dead (adv) Deaf (adj) Deal (n) Deal (v) Dealer (n) Dear (adj) Dear (interjection) Dear (n) Death (n) Debate (n) Debt (n) Decade (n) Decent (adj) Decide (v) Decision (n) Decline (n) Deep (adj) Deep (adv) Deeply (adv) Defeat (n) Defeat (v) Defence (n) Defend (v) Define (v) Definite (adj) Definitely (adv) Definition (n) Delay (v) Deliberately (adv) Deliver (v) Delivery (n) Demand (n) Demand (v) Democracy (n) Demonstration (n) Dentist (n) Deny (v) Department (n) Departure (n) Dependent (adj) Depression (n) Depth (n) Derive (v) Description (n) Desert (n) Deserve (v) Design (n) Design (v) Designer (n) Desire (n) Destroy (v) Detailed (adj) Detect (v) Determination (n) Determined (adj) Develop (v) Diagram (n) Diamond (n) Diary (n) Die (v) Differ (v) Difference (n) Different (adj) Difficult (adj) Difficulty (n) Dig (v) Dimension (n) Dinner (n) Direct (adj) Direct (v) Direction (n) Directly (adv) Directory (n) Dirt (n) Dirty (adj) Disabled (adj) Disagree (v) Disaster (n) Discipline (n) Discount (n) Discover (v) Discovery (n) Discussion (n) Disgusting (adj) Disk (n) Dismiss (v) Display (n) Display (v) Distance (n) Distant (adj) Distinct (adj) Distinguish (v) Distribute (v) Distribution (n) Disturb (v) Divide (v) Division (n) Divorce (n) Doctor (n) Dog (n) Dollar (n) Dominant (adj) Dot (n) Double (adj) Doubt (n) Doubt (v) Down (adv, prep, adj) Downstairs (adv) Downtown (adv) Dozen (n)umber Draft (n) Drag (v) Drama (n) Dramatic (adj) Drawer (n) Dream (n) Dream (v) Dress (n) Drink (n) Drive (n) Driver (n) Drop (n) Drug (n) Drunk (adj) Dry (adj) Dry (v) Dude (n) Dull (adj) During (prep) Dust (n) Duty (n) DVD (n) Each (determiner, pron, adv) Each other (pron) Ear (n) Early (adj) Earth (n) Ease (v) Easily (adv) Eastern (adj) Easy (adj) Easy (adv) Eat (v) Economic (adj) Economics (n) Economy (n) Edge (n) Edition (n) Education (n) Educational (adj) Effect (n) Effective (adj) Effectively (adv) Efficiency (n) Efficient (adj) Effort (n) Egg (n) Either (conj) Elderly (adj) Elect (v) Election (n) Electric (adj) Electrical (adj) Electricity (n) Electronic (adj) Element (n) Elevator (n) Else (adv) Elsewhere (adv) Email (n) Email (v) Embarrassed (adj) Emerge (v) Emergency (n) Emotion (n) Emphasis (n) Emphasize (v) Empire (n) Employ (v) Employee (n) Employer (n) Employment (n) Enable (v) Encounter (v) Encourage (v) Encouraging (adj) End (n) End (v) Enemy (n) Engage (v) Engine (n) Engineer (n) Enhance (v) Enjoy (v) Enjoyable (adj) Enormous (adj) Enough (adv) Enquiry (n) Enter (v) Enterprise (n) Entertainment (n) Enthusiasm (n) Enthusiastic (adj) Entire (adj) Entirely (adv) Entitle (v) Entrance (n) Entry (n) Envelope (n) Environment (n) Environmental (adj) Equal (adj) Equal (v) Equipment (n) Equivalent (adj) Era (n) Error (n) Escape (n) Escape (v) Especially (adv) Essential (adj) Essentially (adv) Establish (v) Establishment (n) Estate (n) Estimate (n) Ethnic (adj) Even (adv) Evening (n) Event (n) Eventually (adv) Ever (adv) Every (determiner) Everybody (pron) Everyone (pron) Everything (pron) Everywhere (adv) Evidence (n) Exact (adj) Exactly (adv) Examine (v) Example (n) Excellent (adj) Exchange (n) Excitement (n) Exclude (v) Excuse (n) Executive (adj) Executive (n) Exercise (n) Exercise (v) Exhibition (n) Exist (v) Existence (n) Existing (adj) Exit (n) Expansion (n) Expect (v) Expectation (n) Expenditure (n) Expense (n) Expensive (adj) Experience (n) Experience (v) Experienced (adj) Experiment (n) Experimental (adj) Expert (adj) Expert (n) Explain (v) Explanation (n) Explore (v) Explosion (n) Export (n) Expose (v) Express (v) Extend (v) Extension (n) Extensive (adj) External (adj) Extra (adj) Extraordinary (adj) Eye (n) Face (n) Fact (n) Factory (n) Fail (v) Failure (n) Fair (adv) Faith (n) Fall (n) Fall (v) False (adj) Familiar (adj) Family (n) Fan (n) Fancy (adj) Fancy (v) Fantastic (adj) Far (adj) Far (adv) Farm (n) Farmer (n) Fascinating (adj) Fashion (n) Fast (adj) Fast (adv) Fat (adj) Father (n) Fault (n) Favour (n) Favour (v) Favourite (adj) Fear (n) Fear (v) Feature (n) Feature (v) Federal (adj) Fee (n) Feed (v) Feedback (n) Feel (v) Feeling (n) Fellow (adj) Female (adj) Female (n) Fence (n) Festival (n) Fetch (v) Few (determiner, pron, adj) Field (n) Fight (n) Fight (v) Figure (n) Figure (v) File (n) File (v) Fill (v) Film (n) Filthy (adj) Final (adj) Final (n) Finally (adv) Finance (n) Finance (v) Financial (adj) Find (v) Finding (n) Fine (adj) Fine (adv) Finger (n) Finish (n) Finish (v) Fire (n) Fire (v) Firm (adj) Firm (n) First (adj) First (adv) Firstly (adv) Fish (n) Fish (v) Fishing (n) Fit (adj) Fit (v) Fix (v) Fixed (adj) Flash (v) Flat (adj) Flat (n) Flavour (n) Flesh (n) Flight (n) Flood (v) Flow (n) Flow (v) Flower (n) Focus (n) Focus (v) Fold (v) Folk (n) Follow (v) Following (adj) Form (n) Formation (n) Formula (n) Fortnight (n) Fortune (n) Forward (adj) Frame (n) Free (adj) Freedom (n) gain (n) gain (v) gallery (n) game (n) gang (n) gap (n) garage (n) garbage (n) garden (n) garlic (n) gas (n) gasoline (n) gate (n) gather (v) gay (adj) gear (n) gene (n) general (adj) generally (adv) generate (v) generation (n) generous (adj) gentle (adj) gentleman (n) gently (adv) genuine (adj) get (v) giant (adj) gift (n) girl (n) girlfriend (n) give (v) glad (adj) glance (n) glass (n) global (adj) glove (n) go (n) go (v) goal (n) god (n) gold (adj) gold (n) golden (adj) golf (n) good (adj) good morning (interjection) good night (interjection) goodbye (interjection) goodness (n) goods (n) gorgeous (adj) gosh (interjection) govern (v) government (n) governor (n) grab (v) grade (n) gradually (adv) gram (n) grammar (n) grand (adj) grandad (n) grandfather (n) grandma (n) grandmother (n) grandpa (n) granny (n) grant (n) grant (v) graph (n) grass (n) grateful (adj) great (adj) greatly (adv) green (adj) green (n) grey (adj) grocery (n) gross (adj) ground (n) group (n) grow (v) growth (n) guarantee (n) guarantee (v) guard (n) guess (n) guess (v) guest (n) guidance (n) guide (n) guide (v) guilty (adj) guitar (n) gun (n) guy (n) habit (n) hair (n) half (adv) half (n) half (predeterminer, pron, adj) halfway (adj, adv) hall (n) hand (n) hand (v) handbag (n) handle (n) handle (v) handy (adj) hang (v) happen (v) happy (adj) hard (adj) hard (adv) hardly (adv) harm (n) hat (n) hate (v) have (Auxiliary verb) have (Verb transitive) have (v) he (pron) head (n) head (v) headquarters (n) health (n) healthy (adj) hear (v) hearing (n) heart (n) heat (n) heat (v) heater (n) heating (n) heaven (n) heavily (adv) heavy (adj) height (n) hell (n) hello (interjection, n) help (n) help (v) helpful (adj) hence (adv) her (determiner) her (pron) here (adv) hero (n) hers (pron) herself (pron) hesitate (v) hi (interjection) hide (v) high (adj) high (adv) highlight (v) highly (adv) highway (n) hill (n) him (pron) himself (pron) hire (v) his (determiner, pron) historian (n) historical (adj) history (n) hit (n) hit (v) hold (n) hold (v) holder (n) holding (n) hole (n) holiday (n) holy (adj) home (adv) home (n) homework (n) honest (adj) honestly (adv) honey (n) honour (n) hook (n) hook (v) hope (n) hope (v) hopefully (adv) hopeless (adj) horrible (adj) horror (n) horse (n) hospital (n) hot (adj) hotel (n) hour (n) house (n) household (n) housing (n) huge (adj) human (adj) human (n) hungry (adj) hunt (v) hurry (n) hurry (v) hurt (v) husband (n) I (pron) ice (n) ice cream (n) idea (n) ideal (adj) ideally (adv) identify (v) identity (n) idiot (n) if (conj) ignore (v) ill (adj) illegal (adj) illness (n) illustrate (v) image (n) imagination (n) imagine (v) immediate (adj) immediately (adv) impact (n) implement (v) implication (n) imply (v) import (n) importance (n) important (adj) impose (v) impossible (adj) impress (v) impression (n) impressive (adj) improve (v) improvement (n) in (adv) in (prep) inch (n) incident (n) include (v) including (prep) incorporate (v) increase (n) increase (v) increasingly (adv) incredible (adj) incredibly (adv) indeed (adv) independence (n) independent (adj) index (n) indicate (v) indication (n) individual (adj) individual (n) industrial (adj) industry (n) inevitable (adj) inevitably (adv) infant (n) infection (n) inflation (n) influence (n) influence (v) inform (v) informal (adj) information (n) initial (adj) initially (adv) initiative (n) injure (v) injury (n) inner (adj) innocent (adj) innovation (n) input (n) inquiry (n) insect (n) inside (adv) (prep) inside (n) insist (v) inspection (n) inspector (n) install (v) instance (n) instant (adj) instead (adv) institute (n) institution (n) instruction (n) instrument (n) insurance (n) intellectual (adj) intelligence (n) intelligent (adj) intend (v) intense (adj) intention (n) interaction (n) interest (n) interested (adj) interesting (adj) internal (adj) international (adj) internet (n) interpret (v) interpretation (n) interval (n) intervention (n) interview (n) interview (v) into (prep) introduce (v) introduction (n) invest (v) investigate (v) investigation (n) investment (n) invite (v) involve (v) involved (adj) involvement (n) iron (n) iron (v) island (n) issue (n) issue (v) it (pron) item (n) its (determiner) itself (pron) jacket (n) jam (n) job (n) join (v) joint (adj) joke (n) joke (v) journalist (n) journey (n) joy (n) judge (n) judge (v) judgment (n) juice (n) jump (n) jump (v) jumper (n) junior (adj) jury (n) just (adv) justice (n) justify (v) keen (adj) keep (v) kettle (n) key (adj) key (n) keyboard (n) kick (n) kick (v) kid (n) kid (v) kill (v) kilometre (n) kind (adj) kind (n) king (n) kiss (v) kit (n) knee (n) knock (v) know (v) knowledge (n) known (adj) label (n) laboratory (n) labour (n) lack (n) lack (v) lad (n) land (n) lane (n) language (n) large (adj) largely (adv) last (adv) last (determiner, adj) last (n, pron) late (adj) late (adv) later (adv) latter (n) laugh (v) laugh (n) launch (v) lawyer (n) lay (v) layer (n) lazy (adj) lead (v) lead (n) leader (n) leadership (n) leading (adj) leaf (n) league (n) lean (v) learn (v) least (determiner, pron) leather (n) leave (v) leave (n) lecture (n) left (adj) left (adv) left (n) leg (n) legal (adj) legislation (n) leisure (n) lend (v) length (n) less (adv) less (determiner, pron) lesson (n) let (v) letter (n) level (adj) level (n) liberal (adj) library (n) licence (n) lick (v) lid (n) lie (v) lie (n) life (n) lift (v) lift (n) light (adj) light (n) light (v) lighting (n) like (prep) like (v) like (adv) like (conj) like (n) likely (adj) limit (n) limit (v) limitation (n) limited (adj) line (n) link (n) link (v) lip (n) liquid (n) list (n) list (v) listen (v) literally (adv) literary (adj) literature (n) little (adj) little (adv) little (determiner, pron) live (v) live (adj) lively (adj) living (n) load (n) loan (n) local (adj) locate (v) location (n) lock (v) log (n) logical (adj) lonely (adj) long (adj) long (adv) long-term (adj) look (n) look (v) loose (adj) lord (n) lorry (n) lose (v) loss (n) lost (adj) lot (pron,adv) lot (n) loud (adj) loud (adv) lounge (n) love (n) love (v) lovely (adj) lover (n) low (adj) lower (v) lower (adj) luck (n) luckily (adv) lucky (adj) lump (n) lunch (n) lunchtime (n) margin (n) mark (n) mark (v) market (n) marketing (n) marriage (n) married (adj) marry (v) marvellous (adj) mass (n) mass (adj) massive (adj) master (n) match (n) match (v) medical (adj) medicine (n) medieval (adj) medium (adj) meet (v) meeting (n) member (n) membership (n) memory (n) mental (adj) mention (v) menu (n) mere (adj) merely (adv) mess (n) mess (v) message (n) messy (adj) metal (n) method (n) metre (n) middle (adj) middle (n) midnight (n) might (modal) mile (n) military (adj) milk (n) millimetre (n) mind (n) mind (v) mine (n) mine (pron) mineral (n) minimum (adj) minister (n) ministry (n) minor (adj) minority (n) minute (n) mirror (n) misery (n) miss (v) miss (n) mission (n) mistake (n) mix (v) mixed (adj) mixture (n) mobile (n) mobile phone (n) mode (n) model (n) moment (n) mommy (n) money (n) monitor (v) month (n) mood (n) moon (n) moral (adj) more (adv) more (determiner, pron) moreover (adv) morning (n) mortgage (n) most (adv) mostly (adv) mother (n) motion (n) motor (n) motorway (n) mountain (n) mouse (n) mouth (n) move (v) move (n) movement (n) movie (n) much (adv) much (determiner, pron) mud (n) mum (n) mummy (n) muscle (n) museum (n) mushroom (n) music (n) musical (adj) must modal my (determiner) myself (pron) mystery (n) nail (n) name (n) name (v) narrow (adj) nasty (adj) nation (n) national (adj) native (adj) natural (adj) naturally (adv) nature (n) naughty (adj) near (adv, prep) near (adj) nearby (adj) nearly (adv) neat (adj) necessarily (adv) necessary (adj) neck (n) need (n) need (v) negative (adj) negotiate (v) negotiation (n) neighbour (n) neighbourhood (n) neither (adv) neither (determiner, pron) nerve (n) nervous (adj) net (n) net (v) network (n) never (adv) nevertheless (adv) new (adj) newly (adv) news (n) newspaper (n) next (adv) nice (adj) nicely (adv) night (n) nil (n) no (adv) no (determiner) no one (pron) no way (adv) nobody (pron) nod (v) noisy (adj) none (pron) nonsense (n) nope (adv) normal (adj) normally (adv) north (n) northern (adj) nose (n) not (adv) notably (adv) note (n) note (v) nothing (pron) notice (v) notice (n) notion (n) novel (n) now (adv) now (conj) nowadays (adv) nowhere (adv) nuclear (adj) nuisance (n) number (n) nurse (n) nut (n) object (n) object (v) objection (n) objective (n) obligation (n) observation (n) observe (v) obtain (v) obvious (adj) obviously (adv) occasion (n) occasional (adj) occasionally (adv) occupation (n) occupy (v) occur (v) ocean (n) odd (adj) odds (n) of (prep) of course (adv) off (adv, prep, adj) offence (n) offer (v) offer (n) office (n) officer (n) official (n) official (adj) often (adv) oil (n) OK (adj, adv) OK (interjection) old (adj) on (prep) on (adj, adv) once (adv) once (conj) one (number one (pron) one (determiner) one another (pron) onion (n) only (adj) only (adv) onto (prep) open (adj) open (v) opening (n) operate (v) operation (n) operator (n) opinion (n) opponent (n) opportunity (n) oppose (v) opposite (prep) opposition (n) option (n) or (conj) orange (n) order (n) order (v) ordinary (adj) organ (n) organic (adj) organization (n) organize (v) organized (adj) origin (n) original (adj) originally (adv) other (determiner, adj, pron) otherwise (adv) ought to (modal) ounce (n) our (determiner) ours (pron) ourselves (pron) out (adv) out (prep) outcome (n) output (n) outside (adv, prep) outside (adj) outside (n) outstanding (adj) oven (n) over (adv) (adj) over (prep) overall (adj) overcome (v) overseas (adv) overtime (n) owe (v) own (adj, pron) own (v) owner (n) ownership (n) pace (n) pack (n) pack (v) package (n) packet (n) pad (n) page (n) pain (n) paint (n) paint (v) painting (n) pair (n) palace (n) pale (adj) pan (n) panel (n) panic (n) pants (n) paper (n) parcel (n) pardon (interjection) parent (n) park (n) park (v) parking (n) parliament (n) part (n) participate (v) particular (adj) particularly (adv) partly (adv) partner (n) partnership (n) party (n) pass (v) pass (n) passage (n) passenger (n) passion (n) past (adj) past (n) past (prep, adv) path (n) patience (n) patient (n) patient (adj) pattern (n) pause (v) pay (v) pay (n) payment (n) peace (n) pick (v) picture (n) pie (n) pig (n) pile (n) pill (n) pilot (n) pin (n) pink (adj) pint (n) pipe (n) pitch (n) pity (n) pizza (n) place (n) place (v) plain (adj) plan (n) plan (v) planet (n) plant (n) plenty (pron) plot (n) plug (n) plus (prep) pocket (n) poet (n) point (n) poll (n) poor (adj) pose (v) position (n) possess (v) possibility (n) possibly (adv) poverty (n) powerful (adj) practically (adv) prefer (v) preference (n) premise (n) press (n) pressure (n) pretend (v) priest (n) prince (n) profile (n) program (n) progress (n) project (n) promise (n) promote (v) promotion (n) proof (n) proper (adj) properly (adv) property (n) proportion (n) proposal (n) propose (v) proposed (adj) prosecution (n) prospect (n) protect (v) protection (n) protest (n) provide (v) providing (conj) provision (n) psychological (adj) psychology (n) pub (n) public (adj) public (n) publication (n) publicity (n) publish (v) publisher (n) pudding (n) pull (v) punch (v) punishment (n) pupil (n) purchase (n) purchase (v) pure (adj) purely (adv) purple (adj) purpose (n) purse (n) pursue (v) push (v) put (v) qualification (n) qualify (v) quality (n) quantity (n) quarter (n) queen (n) question (n) question (v) queue (n) quick (adj) quick (adv) quickly (adv) quid (n) quiet (adj) quietly (adv) quit (v) quite predeterminer, adv) quote (v) quote (n) race (n) racing (n) radio (n) rail (n) railway (n) rain (n) rain (v) raise (v) rapid (adj) rare (adj) rarely (adv) rate (n) rather predeterminer, adv) ratio (n) raw (adj) reach (v) react (v) reaction (n) read (v) reader (n) readily (adv) reading (n) ready (adj) real (adj) realistic (adj) reality (n) realize (v) really (adv) reason (n) reasonable (adj) reasonably (adv) recall (v) receipt (n) receive (v) recent (adj) recently (adv) reception (n) recipe (n) reckon (v) recognition (n) recognize (v) recommend (v) recommendation (n) record (n) record (v) recording (n) recover (v) recovery (n) red (adj) reduce (v) reduction (n) refer (v) reference (n) reflect (v) reflection (n) reform (n) refrigerator (n) regret (v) regular (adj) regularly (adv) regulation (n) relax (v) relevant (adj) relief (n) relieve (v) religious (adj) rely (v) remain (v) remains (n) remark (n) remarkable (adj) remember (v) remind (v) represent (v) ridiculous (adj) right (adv) right (interjection) ring (v) rip (v) rise (v) rise (n) risk (n) rival (n) road (n) rob (v) rock (n) roll (v) roof (n) room (n) root (n) rope (n) rough (adj) roughly (adv) round (adj) round (adv) (prep) round (n) route (n) routine (n) row (n) royal (adj) rub (v) rubber (n) rude (adj) ruin (v) rule (n) rule (v) run (v) rural (adj) rush (v) sack (n) safe (adj) safety (n) sail (v) sake (n) salad (n) salary (n) salt (n) same (adv) same (adj) sample (n) sand (n) sandwich (n) satellite (n) satisfaction (n) satisfied (adj) satisfy (v) sauce (n) sausage (n) save (v) saving (n) say (v) scale (n) scared (adj) scene (n) schedule (n) schedule (v) scheme (n) school (n) science (n) scientific (adj) scientist (n) scope (n) score (n) score (v) scratch (v) scream (v) screen (n) screw (n) script (n) sea (n) seal (n) search (n) search (v) season (n) seat (n) second (number) second (n) secondary (adj) secondly (adv) secret (adj) secret (n) secretary (n) section (n) sector (n) secure (adj) secure (v) security (n) see (v) seed (n) seek (v) seem (v) seize (v) select (v) selection (n) self (n) sell (v) send (v) senior (adj) sense (n) sensible (adj) sensitive (adj) sentence (n) separate (adj) separate (v) sequence (n) series (n) serious (adj) seriously (adv) servant (n) serve (v) service (n) set (n) set (v) setting (n) settle (v) settlement (n) several (determiner, (pron)) severe (adj) sew (v) sex (n) sexual (adj) shadow (n) shake (v) shall modal shame (n) shape (n) share (n) share (v) sharp (adj) sharply (adv) shave (v) she (pron) shed (n) sheep (n) sheet (n) shelf (n) shell (n) shelter (n) shift (v) shine (v) ship (n) shirt (n) shock (n) shocked (adj) shocking (adj) shoe (n) shoot (v) shop (n) shopping (n) short (adj) shortly (adv) shot (n) should modal shoulder (n) shout (v) shove (v) show (n) show (v) shower (n) shrug (v) shut (v) sick (adj) side (n) sight (n) sign (n) sign (v) signal (n) signature (n) significance (n) significant (adj) significantly (adv) silence (n) silent (adj) silly (adj) silver (n) similar (adj) similarly (adv) simple (adj) simply (adv) sin (n) since (prep), (conj), (adv) sing (v) singer (n) single (adj) sink (n) sink (v) sir (n) sister (n) sit (v) site (n) situation (n) size (n) skill (n) skin (n) skirt (n) sky (n) sleep (v) sleep (n) slide (v) slide (n) slight (adj) slightly (adv) slim (adj) slip (n) slope (n) slow (adj) slow (v) slowly (adv) small (adj) smart (adj) smell (n) smell (v) smile (n) smile (v) smoke (n) smoke (v) smoking (n) smooth (adj) snap (v) snow (n) so (adv) so (conj) soap (n) so-called (adj) social (adj) society (n) sock (n) soft (adj) software (n) soil (n) soldier (n) sole (adj) solicitor (n) solid (adj) solution (n) solve (v) some (determiner) some (pron) some (adv) somebody (pron) somehow (adv) someone (pron) something (pron) sometimes (adv) somewhat (adv) somewhere (adv) son (n) song (n) soon (adv) sore (adj) sorry (adj) sort (n) sort (v) sound (n) sound (v) sound (adj) soup (n) source (n) south (n) southern (adj) space (n) spare (adj) spare (v) speak (v) speaker (n) special (adj) specialist (n) species (n) specific (adj) specifically (adv) specify (v) speech (n) speed (n) spell (v) spelling (n) spend (v) spill (v) spin (v) spiritual (adj) spite (n) split (v) spoil (v) spokesman (n) spoon (n) sport (n) spot (n) spot (v) spray (v) spread (v) spring (n) squad (n) square (adj) square (n) squeeze (v) stable (adj) staff (n) stage (n) stair (n) stake (n) stall (n) stamp (v) stamp (n) stand (v) standard (adj) standard (n) star (n) stare (v) start (v) start (n) starve (v) state (n) state (v) statement (n) station (n) statistic (n) status (n) stay (n) stay (v) steady (adj) steak (n) steal (v) steam (n) steel (n) steep (adj) step (n) stick (v) stick (n) stiff (adj) still (adj) stir (v) stock (n) stomach (n) stone (n) stop (v) stop (n) storage (n) store (n) store (v) storm (n) story (n) straight (adv) straight (adj) straightforward (adj) strain (n) strange (adj) stranger (n) strategic (adj) strategy (n) straw (n) strawberry (n) stream (n) street (n) strength (n) strengthen (v) stress (n) stress (v) stretch (v) strike (n) strike (v) string (n) strip (n) stroke (n) strong (adj) strongly (adv) structure (n) struggle (n) struggle (v) student (n) studio (n) study (n) study (v) stuff (n) stupid (adj) style (n) subject (n) submit (v) subsequent (adj) subsequently (adv) substance (n) substantial (adj) succeed (v) success (n) successful (adj) successfully (adv) such (determiner, predeteminer, pron) suck (v) sudden (adj) suddenly (adv) suffer (v) sufficient (adj) sugar (n) suggest (v) suggestion (n) suit (n) suit (v) suitable (adj) sum (n) summer (n) sun (n) super (adj) supermarket (n) supper (n) supply (n) supply (v) support (n) support (v) supporter (n) suppose (v) sure (adj) sure (adv) surface (n) surgery (n) surprise (n) surprised (adj) surprising (adj) surprisingly (adv) surround (v) survey (n) survival (n) survive (v) suspect (v) suspicion (n) suspicious (adj) sustain (v) swap (v) swear (v) sweep (v) sweet (adj) sweet (n) swim (v) swimming (n) swing (v) switch (v) switch (n) symbol (n) sympathy (n) system (n) table (n) tablet (n) tackle (v) tail (n) take (v) tale (n) talent (n) talk (n) talk (v) tall (adj) tank (n) tap (n) tape (n) target (n) task (n) taste (n) tax (n) taxi (n) teach (v) teacher (n) teaching (n) team (n) tear (n) tear (v) technical (adj) technique (n) technology (n) telephone (n) television (n) tell (v) telly (n) temperature (n) temporary (adj) tend (v) tendency (n) tennis (n) tension (n) tent (n) terrible (adj) terribly (adv) territory (n) terror (n) terrorist (n) test (n) test (v) text (n) text (v) than (conj, prep) thank (v) thanks (interjection) thanks (n) that (adv) that (determiner, pron) that (conj) the (definite article, determiner) theatre (n) their (determiner) theirs (pron) them (pron) theme (n) themselves (pron) then (adv) theoretical (adj) theory (n) there (pron) therefore (adv) they (pron) thick (adj) thin (adj) thing (n) think (v) this (determiner, pron) though (adv) though (conj) thought (n) threat (n) threaten (v) throat (n) throughout (prep, adv) throw (v) thus (adv) ticket (n) tidy (adj) tie (v) tie (n) tight (adj) tile (n) till (prep, conj) time (n) tin (n) tiny (adj) tip (n) tip (v) tired (adj) title (n) to to (prep) toast (n) today (adv) together (adv) toilet (n) tomato (n) tomorrow (adv) ton (n) tone (n) tongue (n) tonight (adv) too (adv) tool (n) tooth (n) top (adj) top (n) topic (n) total (adj) total (n) totally (adv) touch (n) touch (v) tough (adj) tour (n) tourist (n) towards (prep) towel (n) tower (n) town (n) toy (n) track (n) trade (n) trade (v) tradition (n) traditional (adj) trailer (n) train (n) train (v) trainer (n) training (n) transaction (n) transfer (v) transfer (n) transform (v) transition (n) translate (v) transport (n) transportation (n) trash (n) travel (n) travel (v) tray (n) treat (n) treat (v) treatment (n) treaty (n) tree (n) tremendous (adj) trend (n) trial (n) trick (n) tricky (adj) trip (n) troop (n) trouble (n) trousers (n) truck (n) true (adj) truly (adv) trust (n) trust (v) truth (n) try (n) try (v) tube (n) tune (n) tunnel (n) turn (n) turn (v) TV (n) twice (adv, predeterminer) twist (v) type (n) typical (adj) tyre (n) ugly (adj) ultimate (adj) ultimately (adv) unable (adj) unbelievable (adj) uncle (n) under (prep), (adv) underneath (prep, adv) understand (v) understanding (n) undertake (v) unemployed (adj) unemployment (n) unfair (adj) unfortunate (adj) unhappy (adj) uniform (n) union (n) unique (adj) unit (n) united (adj) unity (n) universal (adj) universe (n) university (n) unknown (adj ,adv) unless (conj) unlike (prep) unlikely (adj) until (prep), (conj) unusual (adj) up (adv ,prep, adj) upon (prep) upper (adj) upset (adj) upset (v) upstairs (adv) urban (adj) urge (v) urgent (adj) us (pron) use (n) use (v) used (adj) used to (modal) useful (adj) user (n) usual (adj) usually (adv) vacation (n) vague (adj) valley (adj) valuable (adj) value (n) van (n) variation (n) variety (n) various (adj) vary (v) vast (adj) vegetable (n) vehicle (n) version (n) very (adv) very (adj) vet (n) via (prep) victim (n) victory (n) video (n) view (n) village (n) violence (n) violent (adj) virtually (adv) virtue (n) virus (n) visible (adj) vision (n) visit (v) visit (n) visitor (n) visual (adj) vital (adj) voice (n) volume (n) voluntary (adj) vote (n) vote (v) vulnerable (adj) wage (n) wait (v) wake (v) walk (v) walk (n) wall (n) wander (v) want (v) war (n) ward (n) wardrobe (n) warm (adj) warn (v) warning (n) wash (v) washing (n) waste (n) waste (v) waste (adj) watch (v) watch (n) water (n) wave (n) wave (v) way (n) way (adv) we (pron) weak (adj) weakness (n) wealth (n) weapon (n) wear (v) weather (n) web (n) website (n) wedding (n) week (n) weekend (n) weekly (adj) weigh (v) weight (n) weird (adj) welcome (adj) welcome (v) welfare (n) well (adv) well (interjection) well (adj) west (n) western (adj) wet (adj) what (pron, determiner, predeterminer) whatever (determiner, pron) whatsoever (adv) wheel (n) when (adv) (conj, pron) whenever (adv ,conj) where (adv) (conj), (pron) whereas (conj) wherever (adv) whether (conj) which (determiner, pron) while (conj) while (n) whisky (n) whisper (v) white (adj) white (n) who (pron) whoever (pron) whole (adj) whole (n) whom (pron) whose (determiner, pron) why (adv ,conj) wicked (adj) wide (adj) wide (adv) widely (adv) widespread (adj) wife (n) wild (adj) will modal will (n) willing (adj) win (v) win (n) wind (n) wind (v) window (n) windy (adj) wine (n) wing (n) winner (n) winter (n) wipe (v) wire (n) wise (adj) wish (v) wish (n) with (prep) withdraw (v) within (prep, adv) without (prep, adv) witness (n) woman (n) wonder (v) wonderful (adj) wood (n) wooden (adj) wool (n) word (n) work (n) work (v) worker (n) working (adj) workshop (n) world (n) worried (adj) worry (v) worry (n) worrying (adj) worse (adj) worse (adv) worth (prep) worth (n) would modal wound (v) wrap (v) write (v) writer (n) writing (n) wrong (adj) wrong (adv) Xerox Xylophone X-ray yard (n) yeah (adv) year (n) yellow (adj) yep (interjection) yes (adv) yesterday (adv) yet (adv) yet (conj) you (pron) young (adj) youngster (n) your (determiner) yours (pron) yourself (pron) youth (n) zone (n) Zeal (n) Zebra Crossing (n) Zenith (n) Zero (number) Zip (n) Zoo (n) Zoologist (n) Zoom (v)